By: Alyssa Irizarry

Posted: June 26, 2012
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Staff Post

At Home in our New Habitat



Name: Laura Maria Eagleston
School: Humboldt State University
Major: Wildlife Management
Program: Wildlife Management & Conservation, Tanzania


Jambo from Tanzania! After having been here for over a week, we are all starting to feel at home at the Moyo Hill Camp. The staff has all been incredibly welcoming, and the nearby community is excited about our visit as well. Just walking into the nearby town, it is very common for the local children to walk up and introduce themselves while holding your hand as you walk down the road.

Our first week here we were kept very busy, but every moment has been memorable. We have now been on two safaris where we saw elephants, giraffes, baboons, hippos, zebras, and much more. Aside from class time and field lectures, we also were given the opportunity to go to the nearby primary school to spend some time with the students who taught us some of their traditional play-yard games, while we taught them some from back home, such as duck-duck-goose.

Having all come from such a different culture than the one in Rhotia, Tanzania, it has taken a few days to adjust to the new surroundings, but we are all becoming much more comfortable and at home in our new habitat. Just yesterday we experienced our first goat roast, and this Friday we will be going on a home-stay where we will spend all day with a local family to observe, as well as be a part of, their daily lifestyle. Each day our Swahili becomes a bit sharper, and the experience of learning such a different language has been really enjoyable, especially when practicing with the SFS staff. We are all very excited about the next three weeks, and we can’t wait to share more stories!

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