Posted: March 6, 2012
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Caribbean History, Sustainability, and Ecological Economics

Turks and Caicos Islands


Name: Dr. Eduardo Guevara
Position: Lecturer in Environmental Policy and Socioeconomic Values
Program: Marine Resource Management Studies

So far, the students have increased their knowledge on Caribbean history and culture, sustainability, ecological economics, and fishing regulations and policies in the TCI.

 width=We visited one of the seafood processing plants during normal operation and gained insightful information in the South Caicos fisheries.

Students actively combine coursework and interaction with local business, community members and their leaders, elected and appointed officials, churches, and assorted guest speakers.

Six teams have prepared and delivered three class presentations supported by short papers submitted electronically. Students also designed, pilot tested, and implemented a community survey.

We are currently in mid term exams. To support the community outreach component of The SFS Center for Marine Resource Studies,a self-selected team of volunteer students are learning about permaculture, greenhouse gardening, organic composting, and food waste recycling.

We hope to expand the practice of locally grown sustainable vegetable gardens within the local elementary school and other selected locations. Before spring break we will tour the islands of North and Middle Caicos, and conduct a student-designed survey in Providenciales.


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