Posted: November 22, 2014
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Hour of Power, Island Style

Turks and Caicos Islands

Last week we participated in the 9th Annual Ted Mullin Hour of Power. This is a fundraiser in the form of an hour-long relay undertaken mostly by swim teams that raises money and awareness for sarcoma research in honor of the late Ted Mullin (Carleton College Swimming ‘06).  The SFS Center for Marine Resource Studies (CMRS) has been participating in its own way for three years. This was also my third year in a row participating in the Hour of Power; though this one was a completely different style than that of my team at school, it was great to keep the tradition going.


We gathered down at the dock and did relays in our swim zone. Instead of traditional swim relays, they were “island-fied”– highlights were the conch shell relay, diving through submerged hoops, and life jacket relay. With Directed Research and classes going on for the past month, this was a rare opportunity that we had to swim as a group. We all had a great time, topped off with brownies, cupcakes, and pouring Gatorade into one another’s mouths from the top of the dock. The Hour of Power finished just before the sun set and we returned to our studies.

This event, for me, was yet another reminder of home and that our time on South Caicos is dwindling. As we finish up our research projects, cram for final exams, and stare at the beautiful ocean as the days go by, I realize that in only two and a half weeks, we will be leaving this little slice of paradise. Just another reason to look up from the books and enjoy every last sunset here on the Big South!



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