By: Alice Daeschler

Turks and Caicos Islands

By: Jacqui Taff

Turks and Caicos Islands
Posted: July 30, 2021
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A Look Inside Our First Week Abroad!

Turks and Caicos Islands

The lessons and lectures are engaging and it is so refreshing to finally take classes where everyone is as interested and invested in the material as I am.

Alice: The first week here at Turks and Caicos CMRS has been a dream. With diving throughout the week, the sun, and the full schedules, there is always something fun to look forward to and many ways to stay active! We start our days early in order to fit in as much as possible in these 4 weeks. The lessons and lectures are engaging and it is so refreshing to finally take classes where everyone is as interested and invested in the material as I am. The best part about academics so far has been the field opportunities and the ability to learn outside. One of the major draws to SFS for us was the field work and being able to learn first-hand. This program by far has exceeded expectations in terms of lesson plans and field practice. The faculty and staff at CMRS love what they do and it shows in the way they teach and engage with us students. There is always help when needed and they all make you feel supported when doing any field or desk exercises.

Another major aspect that has been so wonderful is the community around us. Despite being unable to participate in traditional community engagement due to COVID, the community of South Caicos is still so welcoming. Whether it’s waving to us in passing, or giving us advice on places to go, they are still excited to have our group around.

Students diving in the waters around South Caicos Island. Photo credit: Katrina Orthmann.
How are you adapting to your new routine?

Jacqui: Adapting to a new routine in high school or college can be tiring – why would I want to wake up at 7am for calculus class? But, here on South Caicos, I would happily stay up until 11pm for a midnight swim and wake up at 6am for a morning sunrise! Any experience here is exciting, refreshing, and worth the extra energy or inconvenience. Like for showering, although we primarily take saltwater showers, our view from the outdoor shower is nothing short of a clip from a nature documentary: crystal clear waters, blue skies, and another island in the distance. Plus, I was thinking, are there really any inconveniences when you’re on an island? Maybe besides the dogs barking outside my door a little too early in the morning.

One major thing I am doing to adapt to the extra tiredness is just taking some afternoon power naps, or siesta fiestas we call ‘em. But, again, napping in a hammock in the ocean breeze is definitely not too hard of an adjustment to make. So, to the parents and relatives out there, don’t worry, we aren’t suffering too much.
What’s been your favorite experience so far?

Alice: I think my favorite thing about this trip so far has been how close we have all gotten so quickly. Because of COVID lockdowns and quarantine, none of us have really had the opportunity to meet new people. From the start, we’ve had so much fun just getting to know each other. A week into this experience already, I feel like I have known all of them forever.

I can’t really choose my favorite experience because every single day I do or see something new and exciting. With the CMRS curriculum and our schedules, I have the opportunity to dive or snorkel everyday, either in the swim zone or off at a nearby reef system. The other day we went on a night snorkel in the swim zone. After dinner, everyone got into the water with their underwater flashlights and we explored the waters. Jacqui and I saw so many spiny lobsters, squid, and an octopus! It was so cool to explore the area after having done it in the daytime to see what animals come out at night. The other trip I will remember forever was my dive to the Grotto. The coral and structures were absolutely stunning and it was full of fish and fun marine life. I saw two nurse sharks and three giant stingrays! If you love diving (or snorkeling), there are so many amazing dives near the Center that can be insanely beautiful.

Students diving in the waters around South Caicos Island. Photo credit: Katrina Orthmann.


Curious to learn a bit more about the SFS Turks & Caicos Islands Center? Click here to read about why we’re based there, our environmental research focus, how we connect and support the local community, and even take a tour of the Center.

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