Tod Perkins

Tod Perkins

Colby College / Northeastern University
Professional Title
Current Company
Altus EHS, Inc.
Caribbean (St. John)
Program Term
Jan Term
Program Year


After graduating with a BS in marine biology from Northeastern University, I spent 35 years working as an Environmental, Health and Safety Consultant. I initially worked with The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) investigating environmental and human health risks from Superfund Sites, the nation’s worst hazardous waste site.

After working with the EPA, I transitioned into Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) compliance for industry, focusing mainly on biotech and pharmaceutical companies. In that role, I ensured companies maintained compliance with EPA and OSHA regulations, trained personnel, and worked to minimize corporate environmental impacts.

I retired this year (2024) after 25 years of self-employment. My life has now come full circle in that my retirement goal is to help the University of the Virgin Islands and the National Park Service restore the Virgin Islands Environmental Research Station (VIERS) Lameshur Bay research complex (my SFS location), which was destroyed in a hurricane in 2018.

Favorite SFS Memory: Bioluminescence on Lameshur Bay at night; diving the multi-colored sponge canyons of Beehive Cove and the Tektite remains.