Posted: September 26, 2012
25th Anniversary “Design a T-Shirt” Contest
The SFS Center for Rainforest Studies – known affectionately as Warrawee – is turning 25! For the past quarter-century, staff and students at CRS, alongside community partners, have contributed to the reforestation and preservation of the World Heritage-listed Wet Tropics.
Help us celebrate this milestone by designing a limited-edition t-shirt. The winning design will be featured on a commemorative t-shirt, and proceeds from the sale of this shirt will support our program in Australia.
The winning artist will receive a gift certificate to The SFS Store!
Contest Guidelines
- Only SFS alumni and current students are eligible.
- You must incorporate The School for Field Studies, Australia, and Warrawee’s 25th Anniversary into the design.
- Your design may include line art and text but no photographs. Please limit your design to 5 colors, including black.
- Your design is for the front of the shirt and may encompass an area up to 10 x 10.
- The design must be your own original work and must not include any third-party logos or copyrighted material. By entering the contest, you agree that your submission is your own work.
Submitting an Entry
- Please submit high-resolution images in .eps, .jpg, or .png formats. Max file size: 2MB.
- Submit images electronically to alumni@sfstransfer.local, with the file name as your last name.
- Submissions are accepted until Friday, November 2nd, 2012.
The Fine Print
- The School for Field Studies reserves the right to make changes to the winning design before printing, including changes in image size or ink color or t-shirt color.
- By submitting your design, you grant permission for your design to be used by SFS including, but not limited to, the website, the t-shirt, and future marketing materials.
- SFS reserves the right to final decision.
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