By: Marta Brill
Action Learning at its Best
In last three weeks, students at Moyo Hill have been fully immersed in field learning. In one of the visits, students had a chance to visit Lake Manyara National Park – a park famed for tree climbing lions, flamingos, and elephants. In the park, students horned their skills in field observations and interpretation skills.
We have also had plenty of interactions with the Maasai people. In one of the field trips, a day was spent learning wildlife tracking skills outside Lake Manyara National Park. We visited a Maasai culture center where students had chance to learn about the intricacies of cultural tourism. Here students had a glimpse of the Maasai culture, where they joined in for a song and dance with the Maasai warriors. Learning Swahili has picked up back at the camp, with these skills becoming crucial for student’s interactions with our host community and local staff.
In one of the programs, students had a tour of the environmental projects with our home district. In Kilimatembo (“elephant hill”), SFS students interacted with the high school students, where they exchanged ideas on youth involvement in environmental issues. Today, after a class on field ornithololgy, we will hike through the village forest identifying birds in the area.
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