Posted: November 14, 2012
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All About Rhinos

We started our Lake Nakuru National Park expedition a short four days after arriving to the KBC camp in Kimana, Kenya. It was a long (and cramped) drive to the park, but when we finally arrived at the hostel, excitement took over. This trip was one of our first chances to experience and observe Kenyan wildlife conservation, and it was also the first chance for many of us to see a rhino up close in the wild. For me, the rhinos were the highlight of the trip, and they quickly became my new favorite animal.

I saw my first wild rhino in Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, and even though it was well over 200 meters away, I was instantly obsessed. I was like a little kid in a candy store during the first few minutes of our first game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park when we saw two white rhinos grazing nearby the car. There’s something about the massive size and odd proportions of the rhino that draws me to it. It also doesn’t hurt my obsession having been able to see an adorable baby rhino during the second day in the park. Who can resist that plump adorable bundle of cuteness?

One of our field exercises while on expedition focused on rhinos (habitat, activities, location, etc.), and it did not feel like schoolwork. Lake Nakuru National Park was definitely a fitting setting for viewing rhinos, as it is a very important rhino sanctuary in Kenya and if it had been up to me, I would have insisted we stayed in the park for at least another week.

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