By: Aaron Henderson, PhD

Posted: March 25, 2013
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Faculty Post

Amazing… Fulfilling… Thrilling

Turks and Caicos Islands

I can’t believe our first half of the semester is over! These last six weeks have been the most amazing, frustrating, fulfilling, and thrilling of my life. I’ve learned more about myself and what I want for my future in this short amount of time then during my previous two and a half years of college. That’s the sweet secret of an SFS program. Not only do you have the opportunity to live in astonishing places and learn in a hands-on way, but you discover things unknown about yourself too.

This past weekend at the Center was so relaxing compared to the fury and busyness of midterm exams and the selection of our Directed Research projects last week. It really is an odd feeling to be sitting next to your professor at lunch and have both of you know that you are studying for their exam… only on South I guess.

We’re currently wrapping up our field trip on Provo and it’s been a busy few days! Monday morning we toured Middle and North Caicos. The co-op (where I bought a lot) and caves in Middle were so fantastic, I’m glad I got the opportunity to see them! Then yesterday it was all about social science! We did surveys on Grace Bay and other areas of Provo about tourism and comparing South to Provo. I was a little nervous at first, but I eventually got into the groove; I even did an entire interview in French! It’s amazing the variety of people from all different walks of life that decide to come and visit, or live in Provo. Then today we went to the Conch Farm to see aquaculture in action! Now, it’s time for Spring Break! See you in a week, South!


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