Posted: June 21, 2018
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Costa Rica: What’s the Food Like?

Costa Rica

If you’re a college student like me, then chances are you enjoy devouring food. Tired of those Chipotle nights or fake Hispanic food? What about paying $3 for a depressing scoop of avocado on that thing that you’re eating? Well, this blog post is for you! Introducing, Costa Rica! The food here is amazingly delicious and very healthy – your grandma would approve.

The food that you eat at the SFS Center is picked from the organic gardens cared for by the Center’s mastermind staff. Not only that, but the ingredients either come from the Center or local farms in the area that grow their stuff organically. You can eat as much as you want in the buffet-style dining hall, and trust me; hiking in the beautiful tropical rainforest can build up an appetite.

So, you may ask, what about the food outside the center? Well, the food around Atenas is incredibly delicious as well! The restaurants are cheap, but they use a wide variety of vegetables. A lot of these dishes contain avocado. And no, it’s not a scoop of avocado. You can pay fifty cents to one dollar and you get about two full avocados in your food. Not scoops, but actual avocados!

My favorite food would definitely be paste de yuca, arroz con frijoles y pollo picado con vegetales (yuca paste, rice with beans, and chopped chicken with vegetables). What about my least favorite? I don’t really have a least favorite because I love trying new things and everything cooked here is so flavorful.

I highly recommend you come to Costa Rica and get a taste of its unique food. Honestly, the fruits in Costa Rica taste so much better than the fruits that are imported to the United States. All of my friends here agree with me too. So, what are you waiting for?






→ Sustainable Development Studies in Costa Rica

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