Dear Prospective Student…
Dear Prospective SFS Tanzania Student,
When studying abroad in Tanzania with SFS, you can expect to have a very unique and a once-in-a-lifetime study abroad experience. Having the opportunity to spend an entire semester in Tanzania is something that does not come around that often for people. You should be prepared to always have an open mind and be ready to try new things. There are many cultural experiences that you will be given the opportunity to be a part of, and I find it very informative and eye-opening to be able to do such activities all week. Most Sundays, we are given the choice to venture off into the neighboring communities of Karatu and Mto wa Mbu to partake in local crafts and outdoor activities. I would be prepared to come into this program ready to be adventurous outside of our camp and to explore these towns and activities. While there, you can practice your Swahili with the local people, support artists, meet new people, and much, much more.
The pole pole lifestyle of Tanzania is something every prospective student should be prepared for. Pole pole means slowly, and that is how a lot of things go here. Many citizens of Tanzania go about their days much more slowly than we do in the States, but it is a way of life I have come to appreciate and strive for. It has taught me the importance of slowing down with everything I am doing and taking in my surroundings. I have become more observant of the world around me and not so focused on always moving from one activity to the next before even getting anything out of it. Overall, you should come into this program prepared to go with the flow and be open and positive about having a flexible schedule. You really never know when something may come up that completely changes the course of the day, but staying positive and upbeat with every situation makes each day special. Never let power outages, flat tires, and the occasional cold shower get you down or ruin a day in Tanzania. And of course, be prepared to make many amazing friends while learning about wildlife and this beautiful country.
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