By: Dina Murphy
Dear Prospective Student…
Dear prospective student,
I was once in your spot not too long ago, making a decision that would change my life.
I had never been out of the country for longer than a month, so a semester abroad program was intimidating! I’ve currently been in Tanzania for more than a month and I absolutely think this is the right program for you. Classes here are opposite to traditional college classes. While you will sit through occasional lectures in the classroom, most of your lectures will be in the field. Whether that be on top of a hill overlooking the many national parks, or learning about environmental policy in a local community, you’re sure to have a hands-on approach that will broaden your thinking, open your mind to different perspectives, and get you involved in change. SFS fosters community volunteering, pushes you to connect with the local staff and community and encourages students to challenge themselves mentally and physically. From volunteering at the local tree nursery to going on local game drives for more than nine hours straight, you’re bound to become a stronger individual every day.
We just recently went on an expedition to Tarangire National Park. I had been longing to go to Tarangire for many years and was looking forward to seeing leopards, lions, elephants, and so many other extraordinary animals in their natural habitat. What I got out of the trip, however, was more than just a view of the animals. I was able to get a view of Human Wildlife conflicts occurring between Manyara Ranch and Tarangire National Park. We often focus on the animals, not thinking about how the surrounding communities are affected by their presence… We were able to travel to local Maasai communities located between the conservation areas.
Due to the wildlife corridor within community land, we were able to see the destruction caused by animals and how it personally affected their livelihoods. It was heartbreaking to see the damage done by elephants, and sad to see the retaliation that occurred towards the elephants in response. This program has given me eye opening experiences that I know I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else. If you love wildlife, care about people, and care about how both are interconnected with each other then this is the right program for you. I am so grateful to have an abroad program that incorporates local culture, conservation, animal studies, policy, and adventure into every class. I highly recommend the SFS Tanzania Semester abroad program. You won’t regret your decision and this might become your second home as it has become mine!
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