First Impressions of Australia
As the Fall 2017 SFS students begin to settle into their new homes around the world, we asked them to share their impressions of the experience so far. Lexi Zanger had this to say about SFS Australia:
Why did you choose to study abroad with SFS?
I chose SFS because I wanted a program that would both challenge me and inspire me to push myself as a scientist and as an adventurer. I think that the issues addressed in the program are reflective of the current issues in the environment and politics.
What are your first impressions of the country?
Everyone seems happy to be living here on the tablelands. The general stress level seems lower and people are very welcoming of tourists/students. The rainforest is full of excitement and life, the birds are chirping and the small mammals are bouncing across the forest floor. Oh, and the Tim Tams are better than most American cookies, chocolate cookies with chocolate filling dipped in chocolate.
What are your first impressions of the field station?
The field station is nicer than I expected. The cabins are bigger than I expected and the people living and working here are great.
What do you think the biggest challenge will be for you this semester both academically and culturally?
I think the biggest challenge will be forcing myself to choose academics when adventuring is an option. Balancing schoolwork while trying to see the most I can see of Australia will be the most challenging part for me. The culture is fairly similar to the American culture but with less stress which I am ready to embrace.
What are you looking forward to the most about the semester?
I am the most excited about all the field excursions that we are going on for our lectures. Learning in the field is exciting and makes any lecture more interesting. I am also excited to continue getting to know my classmates here at the field station.
Give three words that best describe how you are feeling right now.
Excited, adventurous, bold.
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