Posted: October 20, 2011
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Getting to Know Moods on South Caicos

Turks and Caicos Islands


Name: Alana Bandos
School: University of Wisconsin/Madison
Major: Animal Science/Zoology
Program: Marine Resource Management Studies, Turks and Caicos

It’s hard to believe our trip is almost halfway over. The realization that we have less than two months on South Caicos hit me hard. It feels like just yesterday we landed in paradise; marveling at the sunset and eager to make new friends.

With the time frame in the back of my mind, I feel rushed to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. Just yesterday, when torrential rainstorms postponed our camping trip, staff offered mini excursions for us instead. I went to Shark Bay, a cove surrounded by cliffs on the far side of the island. Even though Shark Bay is not what you would call your typical “honeymoon” beach, I absolutely loved it.
 width=The gray skies and rough seas only added to the sense of thrill as the waves broke upon the stony shore.  Diving today had the same excited feel, with the boat racing headfirst over monstrous waves. I’ve decided that the ocean has moods, each one unique but just as spectacular as the others. Clear skies and calm waters pave the way for relaxing snorkels where stormy seas create a sense of exhilaration that reaches through to your very core.

I can only hope to get to know as many of these moods as possible before heading back to Wisconsin and leaving the ocean for a while.









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