Hands-on Academics in Tanzania
Name: John Mwamhanga
Position: Lecturer in Environmental Policy and Socioeconomics
Program: Wildlife Management Studies, Tanzania
In this period, apart from attending class lectures as usual, students were involved in traveling lectures whereby they visited several areas within the Tarangire-Manyara ecosystem. They were exposed to land-use changes and human activities in the lake Manyara catchment and their consequence. Students then visited Burunge Wildlife Management Area as a model of community participation in wildlife conservation in Tanzania.
We also visited various local peoples’ micro projects as an initiative aimed to conserve forests and trees in Karatu distric. In all these traveling lectures, students were actively participated in discusions to enrich their experience on conservation.
Apart from these activities above, individual students orally presented a poster before the facutly on wildlife management study on large mammal density, diversity and habitat preferences done in Tarangire National Park.The period ended by students sitting for their mid-semester exams.
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