Posted: April 28, 2016
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Three Weeks Left


There are three weeks left. I remember when I used to say, “wow there are 3 months left.” A semester abroad is nothing compared to a semester at school back in the States. I can’t believe time flew so quickly.

In our remaining time here, we’re finishing up on collecting data for our Directed Research projects. For my project, I’m analyzing the effects of climate change on the Hadzabe and Maasai tribes in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem. There are projects ranging from analyzing elephant family patterns and tick density on livestock to analyzing behaviors of vultures. Coding and analyzing the data seems like it will be a tedious task, but I’m curious to see how my results turn out.

Apart from dealing with Directed Research, I’m also feeling a lot of different emotions in regards to the program ending soon. On one hand, I’m excited to go home and see my friends and family and eat all the delicious food I miss, but on the other hand I am extremely sad to be leaving this country and all of the amazing people I’ve met here. Some highlights of my semester in Tanzania definitely include the expeditions to Tarangire and Serengeti National Park, the game drive in Lake Manyara National Park, conducting interviews with the Hadzabe (a hunter-gatherer tribe with less than 1,000 members), and hanging out with all of my friends in Arusha.

Three weeks left. Three weeks left to appreciate this country. Three weeks left to make memories with all of my friends here. Three weeks left to soak up the equatorial sun (although it is the rainy season). Three more weeks to walk around Rhotia. Three more weeks to take photographs of everything and anything. I miss Tanzania already.

→ Wildlife Management Studies in Tanzania

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