By: Lindsay Finnell

Posted: October 10, 2018
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Student Post

Under the Sea

Turks and Caicos Islands

The last week has been busy and we spent most our time in the field. Students were learning identifications for our local coral species as well as several invertebrates and crustaceans. To study the scientific names may cost some energy and nerves, but none of that matters anymore when we are out there surrounded by the beauty of the ocean.


Moreover we had our recreational dives and snorkels where students could just relax and enjoy the underwater world. This week we saw some really cool sharks and spotted eagle rays which were not bothered by our presence – the majestic creatures gently swam next to us before going their own ways.



Our community outreach program had the ocean in focus this past week! The local community helped with beach cleanups and the young ones joined some of our students to clean the swim zone during a snorkel. They found a great amount of debris which might have been there since the last hurricane.


→ Marine Resource Studies in the Turks and Caicos Islands

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