
Himalayan Forests and Gross National Happiness

SFS 3181

Himalayan Forests and Gross National Happiness

4 credits

is an interdisciplinary, field-based course where students get to know a country in a region that is recognized worldwide for its dramatic mountain landscapes and rich flora and fauna. We travel in Bhutan, learning about how environmental issues and rural development goals intersect. Trekking across valleys and ridges and through villages, students gain an intimate knowledge of the local environments and the role of Gross National Happiness in daily lives. Students develop skills in assessing environmental problems, defining research questions, conducting field research, and communicating results. They gain an appreciation of the complexity of identifying and addressing conservation issues in a rapidly developing region.

View Syllabus
Summer Session 1

Forests in the Land of the Thunder Dragon

6 Weeks
6 Credits
Summer 2025
Jun 2 - Jul 13
Summer 2026
Jun 1 - Jul 13