
Marine Conservation Governance

SFS 3022

Marine Conservation Governance

4 credits

Studying the use and conservation of marine and coastal natural resources requires scrutiny from many different natural science and social science perspectives. This course focuses on human interactions with local natural systems, and vice versa. Understanding the roles that nature-society interactions such as resource extraction, fishing, tourism, and associated development play in the protection of natural areas from human disturbance is crucial to the present and the future of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). Our primary goal is to discover how we may encourage sustainable human-environment relationships. With a hands-on, teamwork focus on conservation and sustainable development, this course will help you comprehend the connections between theory and practice. It will also provide you with the on-the-ground practical skills and tools necessary to critically analyze management of the human-environment nexus. Because tourism, development, fishing, and conservation are simultaneously social, cultural, economic, and ecological phenomena, holistic critical thinking can help to create more sustainable programs that will benefit natural and social worlds.

View Syllabus

Marine Resource Studies

Turks and Caicos Islands
15 Weeks
16 Credits
Spring 2025
Jan 27 - May 9
In the Field
Fall 2025
Sep 3 - Dec 13
Spring 2026
Jan 26 - May 8