Faculty and Staff

Egidius James Rwebuga, PhD

Egidius James Rwebuga, PhD

Lecturer in Wildlife Ecology
Ph.D. in Wildlife Management and Ecology
Sokoine University of Agriculture. Morogoro, Tanzania
Master of Science in Biology
Open University of Tanzania. Dar es Saaam, Tanzania
Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Wildlife Ecology
University of Dar-es-salaam. Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania
SFS 3720 Wildlife Ecology
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Faculty Profile

I hold a master’s degree in biology from the Open University of Tanzania. The general objective was about determining the influence of the international ivory trade ban on the hippo populations of the Katavi-Rukwa-Lukwati ecosystem. There were speculations that hippo teeth trade was on the rise following the ban because hippo teeth could be curved the same way like the elephant tusks. Before that, I attained a bachelor’s degree in zoology and wildlife ecology from the University of Dar es Salaam. Currently, I am finalizing a five-year Ph.D. in wildlife management and ecology at the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. The general objective is to investigate rodent community ecological characteristics in maize crop fields, fallow lands and the wooded grassland within Kijereshi Game Reserve in the western Serengeti, Tanzania. I have learnt and utilized a number of modern ecological research skills, analytical techniques and programmes including R package. I have been working in the field of wildlife for 22 years. During this period I have worked at various managerial posts and have been involved in multiple research projects (including some on the influence of local beliefs on chimpanzees). At the moment, I and other colleagues are running a long-term ecology-based small mammal project at SFS Tanzania.

Academics & Research

Research Interests

  • Ecology, management and conservation of small, medium sized and large mammal populations
  • Human-wildlife interaction, conflict, mitigation, and management strategies
  • Small mammals as indicators of environmental change/ degradation at small scale level


Spatio– temporal structure of rodent communities on some landscapes of Western Serengeti, Tanzania.

(Under review, Jan. 2024) African Zoology, Manuscript ID TAFZ-2023-0083.

Population dynamics and breeding patterns in Mastomy natalensis in Western Serengeti, Tanzania.

Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation. 2023.

Dietary patterns of a crop pest mammal species (Mastomys natalensis) inhabiting agro-field-protected area interface in Western Serengeti.

Journal of Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation. 2023.


Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE), Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Pugu secondary school. Cost Region, Tanzania

Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE)

Azania Secondary School. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Ecological Principles and the Management of Rodents in Agricultural Ecosystems and acquired applied knowledge on animal population ecology towards the management of rodents in agro-ecosystems, using scientific approaches to study pest problems and decision

Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania

Data Analytical Training workshop (Literature search & Reading, Scientific publication, Data exploration and Hypothesis Testing, Statistical Modelling & Multivariate –Analysis in R Software)

Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania

Statistics Training

LISA-Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania

Data Collection: Online, Telephone and Face-to- Face Interviews

University of Michigan, through Courser

Data Visualization with Advanced Excel

Pwc with Courser

Strategic Planning and Execution

University of Virginia, through Courser

Short Course Training in Statistics

Sokoine of Agriculture Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (SUALISA), Morogoro, Tanzania

Technologies in Agro-ecological Pest Management

Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania

Framework for Data Collection and Analysis

University of Maryland, through Courser

Designing the Organization

University of Illinois, through Courser

Operations Analytics

University Pennsylvania, through Courser

Analysis with SPSS

Open University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation

University of Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Tanzania

Sustainable Wetlands Management

Institute of Wildlife Management-Pasiansi, Mwanza, Tanzania

Area Focused Training in Wildlife Conservation and Management (for African Countries)

Nature Conservations Bureau, Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and Japan Wildlife Research Centre (JWRC), Tokyo, Japan

Advanced Database Management for monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE)

Kenya College of Telecommunications Technology, Nairobi, Kenya

Computer Applications

Victoria Computers and Telecoms Training, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania