Faculty and Staff
Juan Ignacio, “Juanchi”

Juan Ignacio, “Juanchi”
Program Manager
Staff Profile
Juan Ignacio (AKA Juanchi), was born in Santiago Chile. He studied Ecotourism at IDMA (Instituto del Medio Ambiente), in Santiago, Chile and graduated in 2006. In that same year, he started working as a mountain guide in Torres del Paine, where he would guide for 5 years. Since 2008, he has been WFR certified. He has also worked as a nature guide in San Pedro de Atacama, Aysen, Puerto Varas, and Chiloé.
In November 2021 he joined SFS as a Program Assistant. Part of my job is to prepare field trips and help students and faculty both on campus and in the field. I work as a team with H&W to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.
In my free time, I enjoy bird watching and hiking.