Norbu Wangdi, PhD

Norbu Wangdi, PhD
Faculty Profile
I started my career as a Forestry Officer in 2008 under the Department of Forests and Park Services, Royal Government of Bhutan. In 2010, I joined the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment and lead the Water and Climate program. While at the Institute, I served as the Dean of Academic Affairs and member of the National Water Resource Board of Bhutan. I also served as the Chief Forestry Officer of Forest Resources Management Division under the Department of Forests and Park Services. Prior to joining the SFS, I worked as Project Coordinator at the Royal Society Protection of Nature- a pioneer environmental NGO in Bhutan.
I am a trained forest manager and also have a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Life Sciences from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria.
I also work as a Principal Scientist-Resource Management at the Bhutan Ecological Society.
Academics & Research
Research Interests
I am interested to explore the long-term societal impacts of climate change on biodiversity conservation and solutions for enhancing ecosystem and community resilience in Bhutan.
Professional Affiliations
Research Projects
- Dedicated Civil Service Award 2018 “ Bronze Medal” [10 Years dedicated Service to ‘Tsa Wa
Sum’, King Country and the People of Bhutan] - UNESCO -The World Academy of Sciences -Young Affiliate 2018-2022.
- Young Leader Science and Technology in Society Forum (STS Forum), Kyoto, Japan [2019]
Mountain Research and Development 37(3):294-309
Biogeosciences 14(1): 99-110
International Journal of Global Warming. Inderscience Publishers Ltd. 2013.
United Nations University, Bonne, Germany. 2012
Department of Forests and Park Services. 2019.
UNESCO- TWAS 14th General Conference and 28th General Meeting, Trieste, Italy [27-29th Nov 2018].
Science & Technology for Livelihood, STEM Olympiad, YDF, Thimphu [June 1, 2018]
Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet) 6th Annual Meeting, 1-3 November 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
, National Adaptation Plan Expo 2017 Asia, Advancing National Adaptation Plans in Asia, Seoul, South Korea [11-12 September 2017]