Applying for the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) Scholarship
Looking for additional scholarships to fund your study abroad experience?
The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) annual scholarship cycle is now open for Summer 2017, Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 terms! With semester awards of $5,000 and summer awards from $1,250, be sure to submit an application by January 11th at noon.
The FEA aims to support underrepresented students abroad. In addition to your personal qualifications, The School for Field Studies programs add an extra layer of potential as our locations are non-traditional, our academics include a research opportunity in a STEM field, and we have unique community engagement as we work alongside local stakeholders to find solutions to pertinent environmental issues.
FEA 2017 Application Deadline: January 11
What makes this scholarship different from others?
FEA is an independent organization, which means that it doesn’t limit your options for a study abroad program. The scholarships are funded by study abroad professionals and their fundraising pleas to friends, family and organizations. It has a national general scholarship fund in addition to dedicated regional and special interests such as BASAA for Boston area students and a “Rainbow Scholarship” for students who identify as LGBTQ+. Check here for applicant information and a list of dedicated scholarships.
Why do SFS applicants have an advantage?
FEA gives preference to “applicants from groups underrepresented in study abroad and those destined for non-traditional locations.” They also take into account the academic rigor and non-traditional structure like field work and research. So, in addition to all the factors that might make you an excellent candidate for this scholarship, SFS programs bring their own factors that make FEA applications stand out from the rest. Here are some things to consider while writing your application:
• What is your academic plan and how will SFS courses contribute to your degree, graduate school preparedness or future career? Be sure to talk about the field-based learning and Directed Research opportunity.
• Is your major in the STEM field? Our programs are focused in environmental studies; make sure you emphasize how the SFS program will contribute to your major, as STEM fields are considered underrepresented majors abroad.
• Every SFS center is an integral part of the local community. Check out your specific program page or talk to your SFS admissions counselor about some example community engagement projects, short homestay experiences, and other ways in which SFS students give back to the community, such as this one in Bhutan.
• Destination. Most of our centers are in non-traditional countries for study abroad, especially places like Bhutan and Tanzania! Even if you are applying for Australia, which is considered traditional, be sure to describe the location as being in the middle of a rainforest; there is nothing traditional about that! Our academics are also place based, which means the location influences everything you learn on the program and can’t be taught at home.
If you’d like more advice on how to apply for the FEA Scholarship or any others, and how SFS program components can help you stand out, please contact admissions@sfstransfer.local.
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