Posted: July 3, 2012
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Fully Immersed

Turks and Caicos Islands


Name: Brandon Rus
School: Wake Forest University
Major: Biological Sciences
Program: Marine Protected Areas, Turks & Caicos

Now with only eleven days remaining in South Caicos, I find myself befuddled when trying to isolate only specific experiences that have made these past few weeks so memorable. Undeniably the location of The School For Field Studies in South Caicos has been enough to marvel over, despite the unexpected quirks that have characterized this place as our home.

It would be an understatement to say that the interactions with my fellow peers have been inspirational, for they have been extraordinary. The collaboration here at the Center has persuaded me to continue pursuing my passion for marine biology and conservation, and model my future to resemble that of the staff here at SFS, who continually fascinate me with their field experiences. I have never had the opportunity to become fully immersed in an intensive field program with individuals who inspire, as well as challenge, my understanding of the ocean, and the approaches needed to preserve its splendor.

At this point in time I can only appreciate the specific moments here as they present themselves, and attempt to utilize the time I have left on this barren rock that only a select number of individuals have been privileged enough to experience.

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