By: Megan Botel

Costa Rica
Posted: October 25, 2012
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Student Post

Garden Club at the Kilimanjaro Bush Camp


Name: Jamie Gross
School: Connecticut College
Major: Environmental Science
Program: Wildlife Management Studies, Kenya


Two weeks ago, Emily Currie who is a senior at Washington and Lee University, decided to start a garden club at The School For Field Studies Kilimanjaro Bush Camp (KBC) to create a sustainable garden using grey water from our dishwashing  width=water.  The garden is a 5m x 3m x 2m caged in plot, which will be baboon proof. The students at KBC started the garden by digging 1m deep holes to place 8 wooden poles which are being held in place by student made metal buckets and packed with gravel and dirt. On Tuesday, the 9th, water was and will continue to be poured onto the soil to prepare the soil for planting. Today our funding was approved to begin full construction in the next week.

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