Cecilia Barriga, PhD

Cecilia Barriga, PhD
Faculty Profile
Dr. Cecilia Barriga is a Peruvian biologist passionate about environmental conservation. She began her career studying seabirds and their relationship with anchovy fisheries in Peru. Her subsequent research looked at the geomorphometry and distribution of rodents in Ecuador. She has also worked extensively with the mastozoology collection at the Natural History Museum in Lima and assessed environmental impacts of development projects on mammals and birds in various places around Peru. These, along with her experience as a science coordinator at a biological station in the Peruvian Amazon have encouraged her fascination with the magnificent biodiversity of this important biome. Cecilia’s diverse professional background allowed her to witness firsthand the extent to which local people are crucial to achieving conservation goals. For this reason, Dr. Barriga devoted her doctoral studies to understanding the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services within Indigenous communities in the Western Amazon, receiving a PhD in Environmental Science and Public Policy. Cecilia is dedicated to contributing her career to the conservation of the Peruvian Amazon while considering the needs and traditions of indigenous communities.
Academics & Research
Research Interests
- Identifying key relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem services.
- Enhancing knowledge on the importance of every species in the functioning of the environment and how this directly impacts communities.
- Providing valuable information for forest managers and conservationists, fostering sustainable development in local communities while considering people’s traditions and livelihoods.
Professional Affiliations
Salas E., C. Barriga, E. Rengifo, and V. Pacheco. 2013. In: Monitoring Biodiversity: Lessons from a Trans-Andean Megaproject, ed. A. Alonso, F. Dallmeier, G.P. Servat, pp 101-109. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. Washington, D.C.
Pacheco V., E. Salas, C. Barriga and E. Rengifo. 2013. In: Monitoring Biodiversity: Lessons from a Trans-Andean Megaproject, ed. A. Alonso, F. Dallmeier, G.P. Servat, pp 90-100. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. Washington, D.C.
Pacheco, V., Quintana, H., and Barriga, C. 2018. Thomasomys apeco (pp. 428). Thomasomys caudivarius (pp. 429). Thomasomys eleusis (pp. 430). Thomasomys incanus (pp. 431). Thomasomys ischyrus (pp. 432). Thomasomys kalinowskii (pp. 433). Thomasomys macrotis (pp. 434). Thomasomys onkiro (pp. 435). Thomasomys praetor (pp. 436). Thomasomys pyrrhonotus (pp. 437). Thomasomys rosalinda (pp. 438). In: SERFOR. Libro Rojo de la Fauna Silvestre Amenazada del Perú. First ed. Lima.
Grants and Awards
Doctoral Research Scholars Award (2023-2024)
Rufford Small Grant (2020-2021)
Rufford Foundation
Lewis and Clark Fund Grant (2020-2021)
American Philosophical Society
Carlos Ponce del Prado Research Grant (2020-2021)
IdeaWILD (2020)
Barriga C. 4th Ecosystem Services Partnership Latin America and Caribbean – ESP LAC 2023 Conference.
Barriga C. and R. Forkner. 108th ESA Annual Meeting.
Barriga C. X Simposio de Investigación y Monitoreo Biológico en Áreas Naturales Protegidas y Corredores de Conservación.
Barriga C. The 10th Ecosystem Services Partnership World Conference.